Second Baptist Christian Preparatory School

Enhancing students’ learning abilities and building determination in an environment that promotes spiritual development and academic excellence.

2024-2025 Enrollment Is Now Open



Welcome to the 2024/2025 School Year
Registration for the Academic 2024/2025 School Year has begun. Next year, we will have grades 3K-5th grade. We are requesting that if you are intending to return in the fall you must have your complete registration package turned in no later than March 20, 2024. New Student application fee is $50.00. Below, you will see three tiers of payment options for registration. If your child is currently attending SBC Prep., you may pay via Pro Care, Check, or Money order. If you are a new family, you may pay by check or money order only. If you receive the SC Voucher, you are still responsible for the fees below that are associated with each tier minus $50.00 dollars.

Early registration is from December 21-January 21, the fee for all grades except 5K will be
$300.00 dollars plus a onetime technology fee of $60.00=$360.00. Grade 5K early registration fee is $350.00 ($50.00 due to the cap/gown for graduation) plus the technology fee of $60.00 which is a total of $410.00 dollars.

January 22-February 22, the fee will be $350 for registration plus the $60.00 technology fee=$410.00. 5K the fee will be $350 for registration, $50.00 cap/gown, $60.00 technology fee=$460.00 dollars.

February 23-March 23, the fee will be $375 for registration plus the $60.00 technology fee=$435.00. 5K the fee will be $375 for registration, $50.00 cap/gown, $60.00 technology fee=$485.00 dollars .
After March 23, 2024, the registration fee will be $400.00 for all grades plus the technology fee of $60.00=$460.00 except SK which will increase to $450.00 dollars (includes cap/gown) plus the technology fee of $60.00=$510.00 dollars.

We will continue to offer before and after school care there will be a fee for both as follows:
Before school only 3 days or more-$50 per week
Before/after school 3 days or more-$75 per week
Drop-in daily rate-$25.00 per day up to 2 days for before/after school

All fees to include book fees (please review the book fees located in your package) must be paid by July 31, 2024.

Please pay close attention to all forms and read them in its entirety. Be sure to complete, front and back, providing printed name, signature, and date as requested. Please make sure that each line has been completed or it will be returned.

For first time students please submit the following: 1) birth certificate, 2) South Carolina
Certificate of Immunization (up to date, signed and dated by a licensed Medical facility) and 3)a Social Security card is required to be submitted for your registration packet to be

We look forward to welcoming you to our SBC Prep Family!!!
Ms. Tabitha Daniels

SBC Prep is a Title II School

Title II provides financial assistance to local school districts to meet the needs of its educationally deprived students; consequently, each school district extends the opportunity for private schools to participate in Title I and provide services for “educationally deprived children residing in an area of the district who are enrolled in private elementary and secondary schools”. Second Baptist Christian Prep will receive a Title I allocation of $1151.00 this school year. The funding will be used for instructional materials and supplies.

Age Requirements

Students in 3K, 4K, 5K, and first grade must have a birth date on or before September 1 of the appropriate year. (For example, a student entering 5K must have turned 5 on or before September 1 of the year they enter kindergarten.)

Growing Up Great

School Location

353 Laurens Street NW
Aiken, South Carolina 29801

School Admin Office

M-F: 8:30am – 3;30pm
Weekends: Closed

Phone & Email


Our Principal

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude” Maya Angelou

Click Here to see the rest of Our  Principal’s Message

Tabitha Daniels

Our Principal

Contact Info

353 Laurens Street
Aiken, SC 29801
PH: 803.502.0710
FAX: 803-502-1567

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